Monday, May 30, 2011

One of My Greatest Fears

Many people fear such trivial things as death, heartbreak, and taxes. All of those are inevitable. What I fear is what might happen. Something so terrifying and devastating that I created an entire blog in its honor. My greatest fear is this conversation between me and my first born son.

"Hey dad!" He will say.

"Hey what," I will respond, looking above my future-newspaper.

He'll smile slyly at me and put on his, "I'm sweet-talking you because I want you to buy me something look," and ask me, "Can you buy me a music album?"

"I don't know. What do you want?" I'll ask, wondering what sort of trash is playing then.

"Well, I was thinking some of the older ones.." he'll start, but before he can finish his sentence, I will set my future-newspaper aside, beaming with joy at the success that my son has achieved. My heart will race with pride at the thought of having a son who will carry on the legacy of some of the greatest musical artists of all time. I'll pull up my collection of classic rock artists and show him, naming off all of the Pauls and the Jimis. I'll play samples from Pink Floyd and and the Rolling Stones. I will finish my presentation by rocking out to Free Bird and smashing a guitar for no reason at all. After all this, my son will be standing with a blank look on his face. He will cock his head and say.

"That was all okay, but I was thinking more along the lines of Justin Bieber. He was pretty famous when you were a kid, right?"

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